SkillsTX Certified Training

SkillsTX for Defining Skill Attributes (TLMS09)

Understanding Skill Attributes and how to define, manage and use them.
- Understanding Skill Attributes and how to define, manage and use them.
- Understand what should and should not be considered as Skill Attributes.
- Understand the different approaches to defining Attributes.
- Understand how to load and manage Skill Attributes as a SkillsTX Administrator.
- Understand how Skill Attributes can be used in SkillsTX.
- Understand how Skill Attributes are presented in the organizational Analytics.
  • 1. Course Intro and Skill Attribute concepts (8Min)
  • 2. Different Approaches to defining Skill Attributes (6 Min)
  • 3. Uploading and Managing Skill Attributes as an Admin (14 Min)
  • 4. Making use of Skill Attributes (7 Min)
  • 5. Checking you were paying attention
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever